Word “Critical”

Estudos Contemporâneos em Design
Docente: Vitor Almeida

Exercício: Plataforma Galexica

Pretende-se que os alunos nas unidades curriculares de Estudos Contemporâneos em Design e Laboratório dos Novos Media I desenvolvam uma plataforma online de conteúdos académicos relacionados com o universo do design crítico. Tomou-se como ponto de partida o mapeamento atomizado das palavras-chave que integram o manifesto A/B, de Anthony Dunne e Fiona Raby. Em abstracto, todas as palavras se constituem como um vasto campo de referências textuais, imagéticas, políticas, em suma, culturais, acessíveis através da hipertextualidade da primeira janela contextual de significação conceptual (S). A(s) palavra(s) de investigação, a retirar do manifesto A/B, de acordo com os interesses académicos do aluno, corresponde(m), assim, a inclinações temáticas em construção no mestrado de design de comunicação e novos media com o intuito de servirem a investigação futura. Espera-se que a escolha desencadeie uma pesquisa profícua sobre a natureza crítica do design e da sua vestente especulativa. A investigação deverá ser pautada por uma recolha fina de referências e pelo diálogo que cada aluno deve procurar estabelecer com outros colegas cujas palavras possam estar na mesma esteira conceptual. Esta interacção deve ser estimulada para que todos possam colaborar uns com os outros, num sistema mutualista onde todos dependem de todos para a qualificação da plataforma.

Fase 1—Estruturação da informação



adjective crit·i·cal \ˈkri-ti-kəl\
. expressing criticism or disapproval
. of or relating to the judgments of critics about books, movies, art, etc.
. using or involving careful judgment about the good and bad parts of something
in http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/critical

outras referências: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/critical


Critic or critical?

Critic /’krɪtɪk/ is a noun. A critic is a person who writes reviews and gives
opinions in newspapers or on television about books, films,music, or art.
What did the New York critics have to say about the production?
Most critics gave the play a good review.

Critical is an adjective with several meanings.
critical approach to something involves examining and judging it carefully.
When critical has this meaning, you use it only in frontof a noun.
I was planning a serious critical study of Shakespeare.
If you are critical of someone or something, you show that you disapprove
of them. When critical has this meaning, it can be used infront of a noun or
after a linking verb.
She apologized for her critical remarks.
His report is highly critical of the judge.
If a person is critical or in a critical condition, they are seriously ill.
Ten of the victims are said to be in a critical condition in hospital.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Synonyms for critical

adj fault-finding, detracting

Antonyms for critical

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

in  http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/critical



Critical design

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Critical Design takes a critical theory based approach to design. This kind of design uses design fiction and speculative design proposals to challenge assumptions, conceptions about the role of objects play in everyday life. Popularized by Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby through their firm, Dunne & Raby.

in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_design

What is “Critical” about Critical Design?
Critical design is a research through design methodology that foregrounds the ethics of design practice, reveals potentially hidden agendas and values, and explores alterna-tive design values. While it seems to be a timely fit for today’s socially, aesthetically, and ethically oriented approaches to HCI, its adoption seems surprisingly limited. We argue that its central concepts and methods are unclear and difficult to adopt. Rather than merely attempting to decode the intentions of its originators, Dunne and Raby,we instead turn to traditions of critical thought in the past 150 years to explore a range of critical ideas and their practical uses. We then suggest ways that these ideas and uses can be leveraged as practical resources for HCI researchers interested in critical design. We also offer readings of two designs, which are not billed as critical designs, but which we argue are critical using a broader formulation of the concept than the one found in the current literature.

in https://www.academia.edu/3795919/What_is_Critical_About_Critical_Design



Transparent Camouflage, 2011-2013 WikiLeaks scarves and t-shirts Digital print on crêpe de chine, silkscreen on cotton, aluminum frames 600 x 360 cm

Black Transparency

Criação de identidade visual para a plataforma WikiLeaks pelo estúdio de Design Metahaven, baseado na Alemanha.

Black Transparency
The WikiLeaks collaboration has led Metahaven to investigate a phenomenon which it calls “black transparency,” meaning the involuntary transparency invoked on organizations and nation-states by whistleblowers and hackers. Metahaven’s Black Transparency is a nomadic, re-iterating design project as well as a forthcoming book publication with the same title (Sternberg Press, 2014), focusing on the geopolitical aspects of this phenomenon.

in http://futuregallery.org/past/metahaven-black-transparency/


Algae Digesters

Designs for an overpopulated planet: Foragers, 2009

Projeto criado pela dupla Dunne and Raby sobre a problemática da superpopulação do planeta, onde foram construídos dispositivos que usam a biologia sintética para criar “bactérias macrobióticas do estômago”, em conjunto com dispositivos mecânicos e eletrónicos para maximizar o valor nutricional de ambientes urbanos, compensando eventuais deficiências na dieta.

in http://www.dunneandraby.co.uk/content/projects/510/0


Euthanasia Device

After Life Euthanasia Device, 2009

Dispositivo criado pela dupla Dunne and Raby que tem como prática a eutanásia, a abreviação da vida de um enfermo incurável de maneira controlada e assistida por um especialista.

in http://www.dunneandraby.co.uk/content/projects/486/0

Emigre 57
December 2000

Edição 57 da revista Emigre, criada por The Experimental Jetset. Um arquivo de diferentes formatos de arquivamento de dados que caíram em desuso, dispostos de acordo com as suas formas.

in http://www.experimentaljetset.nl/archive/emigre-57


Call For Entries… A feature article without content
By Daniel Eatock of Foundation 33 / December 2000 / Say YES to fun & function & NO to seductive imagery & colour!

Projeto que desenha uma revista em género de portfolio para artigos sem colocar o conteúdo desses mesmos artigos. pretende demonstrar que o espaço para colocação de conteúdo é ele próprio um tipo de conteúdo.

in http://www.foundation33.com/feature_article.html


“Re-View” issue #7 of Re-magazine

Edição da revista Re-magazine que é ela própria uma revisão detalhada de uma revista e dos seus formatos: capa, conteúdos, revisão, pequena história, agenda, moda, entrevistas, e artigos. Onde os textos são para serem escritos e não para serem lidos e as fotografias são para serem tiradas e não vistas. Pretende expor o esperado e torna-o acessível a todos.

in http://www.re-magazine.com/



That New Design Smell Magazine

That New Design Smell is an experiment in smart and fun conversations on design. It takes the form of a critical design magazine driven by dialogue, rather than monologue. It experiments with open content, where contributors engage with an active online public. Dialogue is then edited into a printed magazine you can hold in your hands.

in http://thatnewdesignsmell.net/




I’m Trendy So What?

‘I’m Trendy So What’ is a publication and social experiment that acts as a practical synthesis to a large body of research and critical writing conducted by myself into the subject of trends and their subsequent impact on professionalism within the graphic design industry.

in https://www.behance.net/gallery/24331893/Im-Trendy-So-What



Critical practice is less concerned with problem-solving than with problem-finding (to borrow a phrase from Superstudio, one of the 1960’s anti-design groups that we just heard about) – with exposing issues and articulating questions.

Ramia Mazé, Critical of What?

Critical of What?
By Ramia Mazé

Critical Graphic Design: Critical of What?
By Francisco Laranjo

Difficult forms: Critical Practices of Design and Research
By Ramia Mazé and Johan Redström

Default Systems in Graphic Design
Discussion between Rob Giampietro and Rudy VanderLans

Don’t Panic

what is the function of critical design?, what questions us?, why is the approach always a negative, obscure and psychological one?, what is its future?, and finally the most worrying of all, why does critical design never have a happy ending?

Questioning the “critical” in Speculative & Critical Design

A rant on the blind privilege that permeates most Speculative Design projects.

View at Medium.com


Looking Closer 5: Critical Writings on Graphic Design
editado por Michael Bierut,William Drenttel,Steven Heller

If We’re Standing on the Shoulders of Giants, what are We Reaching For?
Por Rudy VanderLans

Jan Van Toorn: Critical Practice

Por Rick Poynor

About Sofia Gralha

Currently studying for Master of Design Communication and New Media in Faculty of fine Arts at Lisbon. Available for freelancer jobs! Worked as Visual Communication Designer and Designer Chief on a marketing company at Guarda, Portugal - Plataforma Jota, for almost 3 years. Finished the undergraduate of Communication and Multimedia Design in College of Education of Coimbra, Portugal, at 2012. Attended the Erasmus Mobility Program in University of Portsmouth, UK, during 4 months. Held a internship in Menina Design Group at Porto, Portugal, during 3 months.

Um comentário

  1. Os textos enviados e alojados no slack da revista Modes of Criticism 1 são especialmente para a palavra que escolheste.


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